Friday, September 30, 2011

All or nothing?

Are any of you like me when it comes to the health bandwagon? I seem to be an all or nothing kind of girl. I am either totally doing EVERYTHING right when it comes to being healthy or I figure, what the hell, and stop exercising, eating poorly, stop drinking my water....yadda yadda yadda. Well, things are going to change. I am going to try something different. I am just going to do better each day than I did the day before. Somedays that may mean I don't do it all right. Somedays that may mean I only drink all my water or only get a mile in and it may just be walking........WHATEVER. But it is time to look at my health differently. That is my new most recent realization. Taking back the reigns. I like that. Wanna join me?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

St. Louis here we come!!!

I believe one must find a way to balance work and play and so I am taking a break from work this weekend and heading to St. Louis with my boys for a Cardinals baseball game. It is kind of a random vacation at the start of the school year but it is going to be awesome!!! I have never been to St. Louis and I am not sure I would really plan a trip to go there but, Ryan, (my oldest son) loves the Cardinals and I figured LET'S JUST DO IT! I don't want to be the kind of person who says one day we will get there. One day is NOW. It is important to me that my boys get a good glimpse of life outside of Utah. There are so many wonderful and beautiful places in this world. I want them to see and feel the culture in as many places as I can make happen for them. This time around it is St. Louis and my boys are really excited. We leave soon and plan on getting in as much as we can. I will be back to work next week refreshed and renewed. Carpe Diem! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


It is so crazy to me that my little blog is being read by people all around the globe. A big shout out to all my readers in Canada, Indonesia, Colombia, Argentina, Malaysia, Germany, Hungary and all over the United States. Please feel free to pass the word along about my little Ceramic Hand and Footprint Business. I want to help others have a successful business like mine ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!! You can follow me on Facebook too and please don't forget to "like".

Friday, September 16, 2011


I am so excited about these cute little flowers! I just took these impressions of my friend Stephanie's baby and I just had to share with ya'll.  I am in love with this new boarder and can't wait to make more. I took this picture just after I made all the inscribing. I will post the finished product just as soon as it is complete. Thanks Steph!!! :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Something Old Will Be Something New

I came across one of the first promotional pieces I used for Tiny Touches. awwww....yes, a few tears fell as I found this. This is my Nathan when he was 15 months old. The photo was taken at a family photo shoot we had taken in a very long time ago in Laguna Beach. Nathan was crawling in the sand and our photographer captured his sweet little face. This has always been one of my favorite pictures of Nathan. It really captures him perfectly. I was so happy to use it at many of the trade shows and boutiques I was a part of when I started my little hand and foot impressions business.

For some reason when I uploaded the picture I took of this old ad, it looks like it was made in the 70's, it is not that old! It is about 10 years old though. My phone did not want to cooperate with me today. LOL

I have recently moved and with any move it creates (forces!!!) time for cleaning out clutter. Through the cleaning out process it has been fun to go through a lot of my old Tiny Touches "stuff". It is amazing to see the growth process of my business. It has been fun to see all of my old marketing and promotional material. It is fun to look back at the journey and progression of my business, fun to compare the old with the new fresh material. BUT....... I think I will have to dust off this precious foam core board of Nathan's sweet face and continue to use it. :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Artist's Hand

A fun new focus of mine in the ceramic handprint world is to capture the "Artist's Hand". This photo is a capture of my friend James Rhodimer ,who is an artist. An amazing artist. It was fun to do his hand and then have him sign his autograph in the clay. I thought it would be a great idea to have him sign his name in clay like he signs his paintings. I, obviously, love hands. I am fascinated by them. Everyone's hand is so unique. But I have to say it is fun to capture the hand of an artist, one who uses his hands to create works of beauty. I just thought I would share this with you and if you know any artists who may find this interesting, pass it along. I would be happy to create for a fellow creator. :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sentimental Journey

Do you ever have one of those days where you wonder where the time has gone? I guess as my children get older and another school year has begun I find myself having those thoughts. Today those thoughts are very heavy on my mind. My little boys are not so little anymore. My oldest son is taller than me now, something I never in a million years thought would ever happen. Before I was a mom, I thought of having babies. Little children. I never could really invision beyond having little kids. Then one day I wake up and they are not so little anymore. I remember people telling me that the time of life of having little ones will really fly by. I couldn't even imaging that when I was up to my eyeballs in diapers and sleepless nights. As my boys get older I feel the tug of their independence getting stronger and stronger. I see them making decisions for themselves, forming their own opinions and ideas about "things" and that makes me happy. Transitioning into a different type of parenting is hard. It is not like it used to be when they were wee little things and I could tuck them into bed at night and know all was well. I often wonder what goes through their heads as they now have social lives beyond all that I am aware of. They have friends and relationships with people who I don't get to pick for them. I guess that is all a part of growing up. Making decisions for yourself, good or bad, come what may. I am thankful for my beautiful boys this day. Feeling a mix of emotions and just needing to share. Here is a peak at my little ones from yesteryear and a peak at them today. They are truly beautiful boys and I love them so. Ryan and Nathan.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Just in case...

Sometimes I have been called upon to play doctor. :) In the rare event that one of your plates breaks I have been known to fix them. Take these plates, in the picture above, for example. They were both on a shelf that fell to the ground. The mom called me, just about in tears, to tell me that they were broken and asked if I would be able to fix them. I was able to piece them back together and then remold them to make another set of non broken plates. They are not always a perfect as the original plate being that there is a different process involved BUT they look pretty darn close to the original. So don't hesitate to call me if something like this happens. I am happy to come to the rescue!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Just to follow up from my previous post. Our Battery Row premiere was a success! So much fun. So many people came out for a fun evening. I am still in a haze as the evening went by so fast. I want to relive it!!! To watch our movie with others in an audience was a new experience for me. I kind of set on pins and needles watching and waiting for the different reactions from the audience. I had seen the movie many many times through out the process as I watched it be edited, scored, edited, sound added, edited, ADRed, edited, and mixed. I knew the whole script backwards and forwards and so the lines would be going through my head as the scene was being played on screen. While making this movie the actors have become my friends and so I was nervous for them as their parts came up wondering if they were nervous to see themselves on the big screen. SOOOO MUCH FUN! I think I just caught a bug ol' bug!!!! Let's all play again!

Carly Jones, Jaime Alvarez, Me, James Rhodimer, Tom Druilhet, Jay Preston and Brendan Bradely shown above. :)