WHAT IF? WHAT IF? WHAT IF? Those words have been running in circles in my mind over the past couple of weeks. I can't really get them out of my head. As I evolve and change and grow and become, I am at times so excited, I can hardly contain my squeaky, girly, emotions. (which I FULLY embrace!)
The other day as I dropped my children off at one of their “things” I started talking to myself, out loud. Yes, out loud. And yes, the thought crossed my mind that maybe I was a bit crazy, but.........I just went with it. :) Usually I have the music cranked so loud, so I can drown out my sad singing. As long as the music is loud enough I will not give up on my dream to become a rock star right?! Anyway, I digress. I started to say out loud many of the things I want to have happen, in my life ~ immediate life, OUT LOUD.
WHAT IF I ...........
- took better care of me
- wrote a book about my journey up to now
- gathered those in my tribe of handprint making and created a WONDERFUL community of like minded people
- dropped 30lbs
- ran a 10k
- traveled to Maui
- explored the practice of yoga
- started the art pieces I have been putting off for far too long
- grew my business and let those I work for know how much I love it.
- love my boys in unmistakable ways
Well, guess what, I am going to find out!
I would love to hear what is on your "what if" list. Please feel free to leave a comment below. :)