Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ceramic Handprint Training

I am beyond excited to share this blog with you! We just created a new commercial for my Ceramic Hand and Foot Impression Training Program.
Over this past weekend we shot, edited, and released a DARLING video, thanks to the help from James Rhodimer at Brash Studios. It is cute, funny, artistic, and well, dare I say, PERFECT!!!

The evolution of my business these past 12 years has been such an amazing journey. Working my business for so many years has been beyond anything I could have planned. When I started Tiny Touches I just wanted to bring in some extra money for my family, that did happen, but what I found to be even better were the blessings and learning experiences that came from my business.
I have been asked several times over the past couple of months why I sold my business, Tiny Touches. Believe me when I say that it was a very hard and emotional decision. But, I have been really trying to listen to my gut, my inner voice, that guides me through life and it was time to take my talents in creating something great to helping others do the same.
I truly want to help mothers, who are in a similar situation as I was, when my kids were little, who feel a need for something more. I NEEDED something for me. I NEEDED to be pulled out of my depression. I NEEDED to feel like I was using my brain and creativeness. I NEEDED to feel like I was contributing to society. I NEEDED to create.
Now I feel called to help others who feel as I did.
As I started to train others more and more, I found I was being pulled in too many directions. I wanted to give my full attention to my local customers and also to my full attention to my trainees. I could tell that I was not focusing on either endeavor as I should be. 
I was enjoying the new growth and development that I was receiving from my new training program and my heart was being pulled towards it. 
That was my answer. As I leaned into my new roll as business coach I found my inner self knew what I needed to do.
So, there you have it. It was just time. And you know what? I am loving it! Now this new direction is taking me to places I could not have imagined. Who knew I would be directing little commercials?!?! Creating new relationships with the gals I am training and helping? 
I love this verse from the Bible and it seems to say perfectly what I have been trying to explain above.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”  Ecclesiastes 3:1.
So if you are NEEDING to feel a bit more with life, give me a call or send me a message. I want to help and serve you. Together we can create a wonderful business for you. 
Much Love

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My $500 Lesson

My $500 Lesson
Have you ever tried a “Work From Home Job”? Without much success? Yeah? Me too. I have had my own experience with a work from home “opportunity” and......let’s just say, it did not go so well.
Quite a while ago I had an opportunity to make a little money working from home making phone calls. Not the most exciting line of work but I needed some money and I figured I could make my own hours and be at home. Not too shabby. I just needed to purchase a little mechanism that attaches to my computer so I could make long distance calls at no cost ($46 - which I paid for....Red Flag). I was to be paid a decent amount of money, BUT, the catch was I would not be able to be paid until after I worked a month. This was a start up company and we needed to generate an inflow of money with our phone calls before we could get paid.
Red Flag Red Flag Red Flag Red Flag Red Flag!!!! Well, I should have listened to my gut. It was screaming. But when you need money, you need money.  This job seemed so convenient, too convenient.  Another Red Flag! Ugh....I hate when I don’t listen to that nagging gut.
I went ahead and did my part, working as I said I would.  I created my own little schedule and took my job seriously. I did get a check for $125 after a month of work (part time) and I was told the $500 still owed to me would be paid. Well, it never came. After months of emails back and forth I even tried to make a payment plan for the gentleman, (not the right word to describe him), so he could pay me monthly if need be. He said he would. Never happened. 
I take people at their word. I am honest and I believe others to be too. I still do, even after this experience. But I learned a few lessons. I am wiser now and I trust my gut. But sadly, not everyone is as honest as they should be. 
Why do I share this story? Because I know I am not the only one who has had an experience like this. Also because I did finally find a home based business that is all that that other business was not. Profitable, fun, and creative. 
There are several things you should do when looking for a great stay at home/home based business. 
  • Do your homework.
  • Check out the person who is selling to you/wants you to work for them.
  • Ask for referrals.
  • Most importantly Trust Your GUT! It is always right. If something does not feel right, don’t do it.
There will always be people who scam others. Just be aware and wise. You have the most important piece of the puzzle inside of you when needing to make decisions like this. Trust that little voice inside you that helps you make decisions. BUT, if you are like me, and you have, at times, not listened to that little voice, well, you have a good lesson learned. :)
Feel free to share a story you have had. It feels good to vent sometimes.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Time and Clay Handprint Training

School is out and summer is in full swing. Each year I get a bit......STRESSED this process is happening. It is a time when I start to think, OH NO what have I gotten myself into? My boys are around and needing rides, money, food, friends, baseball games, practices, food, money. :) I think to myself, how am I going to juggle this summer and still be productive with my business? This year I kindly and gently reminded myself that this happens each and every summer and somehow I am able to create a schedule and plan that just takes a few weeks to put it into place.

Today was no exception, as I juggled the stress of juggling work and my boys. My work space is part of my open front room. I am pretty much front and center as my boys come in and out of the house. (It is kind of nice that way....they HAVE to say hello to me). But, summertime is a change in the norm and I need to deal with it.  I can either snap at my boys for bothering me or be thankful they are “bothering” me. I am blessed to be able to work from home and when I look at it this way I realize that I choose this. I can put down what I am working on and scooch on over to my large 15 year old who is sitting on the couch in my office, because he wants to. :)  I am able to sit next to him and have a little conversation with him. Moments like this, on a summer day, remind me why I choose to work at home. Some days it seems a bit crazy and some days it goes way better than I could have ever expected and other days I am just thankful that my 15 year old came into my office and spent 5 minutes with me talking about his music.

I didn’t get too much done as far as work goes today. I will work harder tomorrow. I will get up earlier and get a few hours in before they wake up. But, today, I got to spend time with my boys running them around to friend’s houses and the golf course. I got to do these things. I am thankful for those moments.

Just like the little hand and foot impressions I create, freezing time, these little moments with my teenagers are fleeting. They are at the stage in life where friends are more fun than Mom. So, I will put down what I am doing and I will embrace my moment with my handsome boy and I will be thankful he chose to sit on my couch.

How do you juggle your summer days? What little adjustments do you make to your schedule so you can fit it all in? I would love to hear. :)

Here’s to happy summer, busy, fun filled days.



Monday, June 4, 2012

Clay Handprint Training

I am happy to announce my new website! After much change and growth and moving on..... has been born. I will be adding a few bells and whistles over time, as a website is always a work in progress. :)

My business has been under a large overhaul over the past couple of months. It has been a wonderful experience and a time for renewal and devotion. I am loving my new role as business coach. I love helping others get up and going in a business that brings joy, creativity, art, and new relationships all wrapped into one. I have found it to be such a perfect business and now that I get to help others.....oh my! I love it. So check out my new site and let me know what you think. Please feel free to leave a comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Remember life is a journey and it is always more fun to push yourself, for that is where you grow. :)

Much love,


Friday, May 11, 2012

What An Amazing Ride! xoxo

I am sitting in my home in the quiet morning hours trying to find the right words to express how I feel.  Tears are streaming down my face as I think of the past 12 years with my Tiny Touches business. Tiny Touches has been a part of me for so long. For a long time I never really saw myself doing anything else. But just like many things in life....there is a time and a season. It was time for me to move on. It is so very bittersweet.  
It is very surreal to say that I have sold Tiny Touches. I am officially handing the torch to someone new, someone who will love and take care of my customers as I have, but in her own way. (name and info to come)
 Over the course of the next few weeks I will be creating my final baby impressions, finishing orders....and then boxing up and moving out my business. Wow. It is really happening.
The impact Tiny Touches has had on my life is more than I can even articulate right now. I have grown and learned so much. I have made friendships. I have laughed and cried with customers. I have been present at the beginning of life and even present at the end of life for some of my little angel babies, creating little keepsakes. I look at each experience I have had as cherished memories and those memories and experiences will continue to impact my life forever. I take each lesson with me, they are forever a part of me.
It is time for me to stretch my wings again and find more ways to grow, more ways to serve and more ways to love. 
There will be more to come from me. But for now this is a goodbye to a love in my life. Goodbyes are hard, but thankfully I know good things are in store. What an amazing ride I have had making impressions. I love you, really I do. From the bottom of my heart...thank you for the memories.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Lessons Often Come in Threes

It is funny how lessons come in threes. Today’s post follows suit with the last two on my blog. I am really trying to be open to the lessons that cross my path. Todays, is just too wonderful not to share.
This morning I was lying in bed, seriously contimplating just stay in bed for as long as I possible can. It’s Friday. I am feeling lazy. I am so cozy. I am snuggled just perfectly in my covers.....AND IT IS RAINING!!! I love the rain. I love to be in bed when it is raining. Awwwww, perfection.
I had my iphone near me, as I do each and every day. Checking what is going on in the world around me. It often replaces my books, I am finding, as I read blogs and view videos regularly from my phone. Weird. 
Anyway......this morning Marie Forleo (my business mentor) had posted a link, on facebook, to a video and said it would be worth my time to watch and so since I was so comfortably lying in bed getting ready to just do a lot of coziness things....I decided to watch.  10 minutes later and with about 3 tissues full of tears next to my pillow I jump out of bed ready to embrace this day.
The lessons in this video are many. Watch. Enjoy. And once again, go do that thing you have been wanting to do and know that if you are doing it because you love it.....everything will turn out just as it is supposed to.

My heart is very full today. I am thankful for lessons, people, books, messages, life and loved ones, that teach me each day how to be a bit better than the day before.
Enjoy this gift of a day!
Much love,

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Are you an entrepreneur? What are you waiting for?

How do you know you are ready to be an entrepreneur? Do you have a little fire burning and you keep pushing it away? When is the perfect time? When will you have all the money to get started? When will you have the knowledge it takes? When will you have the skill and ability? What if you fail? What if you succeed? When will you have all the answers?
NEVER! you can begin. :)
It is so funny......I am seriously the queen of questions. No, really I am!!! I have to answer these questions myself as I being a few new entrepreneur endeavors I am working on. I am starting a new business and all the scary feelings I had when I started Tiny Touches are looming over my head now. Only good has come from Tiny Touches and so why do I question my ability to start something else? I don’t know!!! LOL Fear I guess, it always seems to get in the way....
I look at starting a few business much like starting ANYTHING big. How about collage, getting married, having babies, etc? Are you really ever ready for ANY of that? Do you ever really feel like you have ALL the information you need? Don’t you start each one of those chapters in your life and think....what the hell did I just get myself into.....I am in way over my head? 
I just watched this video I found on youtube and I want to share it with you. I LOVE THIS!!! Maybe a little too much. It think I have watched it about 22 times now and I just discovered it yesterday. BUT in my defense, you kind of have to watch it several times to let each brilliant piece sink in. Watch it and love it! And then do that thing you have been wanting to do.

Big ol’ hugs to you today! 
~ Amy

Monday, April 9, 2012

Just BE You!

The past several years in my life have brought huge changes for me. Some happy and some sad. BUT what I love the best about this journey of mine is that with each passing day I am learning so much about myself. I am learning to just BE and to not try to BE anything other than who I am.

So, on this beautiful Spring day, although it feels like summer here in Cali (where I am spending my Spring Break), I share with you a self scribed message in the sand. Remember to be true to who you are and never try to be something for anyone else. Our time in this life is precious ~ so spend it wisely and spend it creating all the fun in your life that you want.

I am thankful our lives have crossed and I hope they keep crisscrossing!

Much love,


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The world is a beautiful place....are you contributing?

What are you doing today to make the world a better place? Are you snuggling your baby a bit longer than normal? Are you sitting down with your 3 year old to play cars (and leaving your phone across the room) ;) ? Have you smiled at a stranger? Picking up a piece of trash up off the ground "just because"? Forgiving yourself for that something that looms over your head? Forgiving someone in your life that you need to forgive? Singing a song loud and proud as you drive down the street, just to be enjoying the moment and releasing positive energy into the universe?

I find that when I think about the question "how am I making this world a better place?" ..... I often think I have to do something move mountains. :) You know what I mean, right? I think I am starting to realize at the ripe old age of 42 that to make the world a better place starts with the little things.  Now, some of what I mentioned above is not necessarily forgiving yourself or another person....those can be huge things. If you are not ready for the big stuff....start small.

How about dropping little pieces of kindness behind you instead of bread crumbs, like Hansel and Gretel, the world will instantly be a better place if we all do this. Take the few extra seconds to open a door for someone or take a deep breath and not get mad at your loved one, make eye contact with the checker at the grocery store and really ask how he/she is doing. I think sometimes we get so busy with just trying to get through the day that we do not stop to enjoy the little interactions we can have with our fellow human beings.

I am trying to slow down and just be. I am trying to not think of my weeks and months as time to check off and just get to the weekend or to a big trip. If we are not enjoying our days, we need to change something. So, if sprinkling around kindness helps you enjoy your days, just start. Start small and work your way up to the big things.

To quote a distant Kentuckian cousin of mine....."themens" (those are) my thoughts.

Now.....go and enjoy this beautiful day and so something to make this world a more beautiful place. :)

Much love,


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Take the First Step

Why is it that getting started, with any project, can seem so ginormous?

I am one of those people who has a history of over thinking things WAAAAAY too much. I have been this way my whole life. I debate, weigh out the options, debate, talk to trusted friends, worry, decide, then change my mind..... and on and on. I over analyze, over worry, over everything, just to put off what needs to be done. If I am "carefully considering" a certain situation I am not really having to commit to it. 

Now, that is not to say that many decisions we make need a bit more time to consider than others. But putting off the inevitable is just delaying what needs to be done.........making a DECISION and choosing a course of action.

Now this may seem funny to those of you who do not suffer from SLOW DECISION MAKING DISORDER (a term I just thought about and quickly decided to create. LOL) Yay me! See I am getting quicker. 

But ever since I was a little girl I have struggled with decision making. When I was about 8 my mom took my sister and me shoe shopping. My sister walked right into the store and picked out a pair of sandles within a few minutes. Me on the other hand,  took an hour to properly decide what would be the perfect pair of sandles for me. I have no idea how my mom had the patience to let me take so long. But needless to say I did finally decide. 

So this past year or so I have been just deciding and going with my decision. Not over thinking things. And guess what?! It is getting easier. Who knew one could actually practice making decisions?

So, if you are anything like me, I challenge you to take the first step. Make that decision you have been putting off and go with it. Actually making a decision takes away the stress that builds up as you are trying to make the decision. Seems so simple, but it is true. 

Now, I am not perfect and this is something I will continue to practice....but I can tell you that things are getting better for me. Besides not being as stressed about stuff, I actually feel more productive because instead of wasting time pondering and over analyzing, I am actually DOING. 

I think about when I started my Tiny Touches business there were SO MANY decisions that needed to be made. But looking back, I did it. I just kept going. One thing at a time and low and behold everything that needed to happen happened. Running my business has helped me in my "slow decision making disorder".  When running a business, if you sit back and think too long, business will just fly by and not wait for you. Tiny Touches has helped me in so many ways. It is funny when you take on a big challenge you don't always know the lessons you will learn. I got in to this business to help make some money for my family. But I think one of the best parts about Tiny Touches has been the personal growth that has come from it and that is something I could not have foreseen. 

When I let my thoughts get in the way of this philosophy I get all stressed and overwhelmed. But when I just take action and actually do something, working towards my goal, things seem to go so much more smoothly.

Apply this philosophy to everything you do. And just so you know I am talking to myself here.........I do have to remind myself of this advice all the time. I am not perfect at it, but I am taking it one step at a time.    

Much Love,

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Little Hand and Footprint Empire......

Oh boy! I have butterflies in my tummy today. It is the day of my big announcement with Tiny Touches. After a lot of thought and tender loving care I have decided to sell my little local Hand and Foot Impressions business. Many reasons have brought me to this point, but I will start with the letter that is going out to my customers......

Hello, dear ones . . .
I'm nestled in your inbox today with an exhilarating — and bittersweet — announcement.
I'll set the tone with a little Tom Petty:
It's time to move on, time to get going.
What lies ahead, I have no way of knowing.
But under my feet, baby, grass is growing.
It's time to move on, it's time to get going.
Tom says it so well. And now, I'll say it my way: I've decided to sell TinyTouches.  I am looking for the perfect person who'll pick up the business & carry it forward, with love. The details are still in flux, but I expect to have everything finalized by the end of summer 2012......or sooner if the perfect person arrises! Till then, I'm still in full swing — and I'd love to see you & your little ones at my home studio, as often as you like.
If that certain person is YOU - or someone you know - we should talk. Please call me, email me, or text me, any time. I really am looking for the perfect person ready to invest and carry on the love of this wonderful business.
This business transition reflects a big step in my entrepreneurial evolution. I'm rising into a new role as a teacher & trainer for aspiring home-preneurs. The training program of my business is going so well that I am going to focus on helping others build a successful business of their own.
Thank you for supporting Tiny Touches all these years — I promise to leave my little empire in tender & capable hands. And I hope to see you & your family in my studio, through the summer & fall . . . right through to the final farewell.
With love,

There it is.....I am teary and excited and nervous and ready. Crossroads are always a time for pause and reflection. I have given this decision much thought, tender consideration, and energy. It is time for me to move forward and I am looking onward and upward. 

To you, the perfect person, who is waiting for your answer to your prayer....I have just the right idea. Let's talk. There is much to do and I can't wait to get you started. :)

Much Love,


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hand Print Training.....IT IS HAPPENING!

I am thrilled that 2012 is off to such a fantastic start. My vision of helping women across the country, an soon around the world, start their own hand and foot impressions business is happening. It really is HAPPENING. It is funny what one can accomplish a little bit at a time. I have had this idea of creating a community of women, like me, who would like to work from home (for whatever reason) doing what I am doing. The girls I am meeting are amazing, smart, and entrepreneurially-minded. It fills me with happiness!

I love January for many reasons. First of all IT IS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!. My birthday is on the 31st and so all month long I look forward to it! Yes, I do! I will be 42 in a few weeks and I am thankful! I will never "pretend" to be 29. Been there done that......onward and upward. 42 has a nice ring to it anyway. ;)  I choose to embrace each year and all that comes with it! Secondly, it is a time to pause and think about the year a head. It feels good to have a fresh start. Even is just another day, January is so much more than that. It is a time to reflect on the past, look toward the future and begin to live in the now.

So far THIS year, I have helped three wonderful women start their own businesses. I generally do not share numbers like that but for some reason things have been happening in threes......A LOT......lately and I just wanted to add to that list.

2012, is the year for endless possibilities. Whatever you are doing in your life, make it amazing. Why not? No time for moping around or feeling sad. Get up! Do something! You will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Much love to you in the beautiful NEW YEAR! What are you big amazing wonderful plans? I love planning and I would love to hear what gets you moving in the morning. :)


Monday, January 9, 2012

Names and Words

Can I let you in on something kinda funny? Well, I am going to anyway. :)

I have noticed an interesting thing happen in regards to names and the names of my customers. Not just baby names. For example, I do expect to create hand and foot impression keepsake plates for, let's say, several Ethans.....but what I am going to share is a bit different than that.

This has to do with the names of the Moms and Dads who call me for appointments for their children. Now this does not happen everyday but it does happen often enough that I thought I would share it with you. Every once and a while I will book 3 people with the same name on the same day. And it seems to happen in numbers of 2 or 3. Like today for instance, I have booked two appointments for next week.....for the same day......with two gals named Megan. It is so interesting to me. A few weeks ago I had 3 Tiffanys booked for the same day. Now, you could say that that makes it easy for me to remember the names of my customers but I just really find it FASCINATING!

It is kind of like when I am reading a book and the TV is on in the other room and all of a sudden the same word that I am being said on the TV. And I do not mean common words like "the" or "now" or "stop"..... strange words like "longevity" or "rainbow" or "tidalwave", etc. Not that those words are strange, that is not what I mean, just that those words are not as common. It happens to me ALL THE TIME.

It also happens when I am talking on the phone to someone and they say a word that is being said on the radio or a word that my child has just said as they walk in the room to tell me something.

I actually love when things like this happen. It is very serendipitous to me. I love the whimsical feel it adds to my day. :)

Is there a word for this? Really, I want to know? :)


I have to add to this post. To try and explain how often this happens to me, when looking for a photo for this blog, I typed in "name generator" in google. Look at the name in the photo, Megan!!!!! I did not type in that name with the words "name generator". It just popped the first row before any other. Come on, you know that is weird! Seriously! Crazy!!!