Sunday, March 20, 2011

An exciting day for my Ceramic Hand and Foot Impressions business.

It has been just about 24 hours since I launched my new Ceramic Hand and Footprint Training program. A training program for the person who would like to work from home and have fun at the same time. I started my career in this industry almost 11 years ago. It has been such a wonderful journey for me. I had found the perfect stay at home mom business and I have never regretted it. I was able to have something of my own and still be home with my children. They were very small at the time, 3 years and 15 months, when I started Tiny Touches.

When I started my company, Tiny Touches, I had no idea the path it would take me down.  I knew I needed something of my own. I had gone to school and majored in secondary education. I even taught in the high schools for about 4 years before my first baby was born. After my son was born I decided to quit my job and stay at home with him. That was in 1997. In 1999 my second son joined our family. A very scary thing started to happen to me. I became very depressed. I was experiencing postpartum depression. I didn't really realize what was happening to me until several years after the fact.  I just thought I wasn't a good mom. I wasn't enjoying life with my babies as most of my girlfriends around me seemed to be doing.  It was a VERY dark time for me. Without going into too much detail about that time of my life I will fast forward about a year (after my 2nd baby was born) to the point at which I stumbled across a similar business in CA. I knew instantly that I needed to be doing this business and I was going to do whatever it took to make that happen. Within a few months of that realization I had started my own business. While doing so I started to feel better. Life, even though it got a lot busier, seemed to feel a whole lot better. Looking back at those early years with my little babies I realized that I needed to not lose myself in a time that is very easy for mothers to do just that.  Reflecting on that time I can now see that my depression was lifting as I had something new to focus on and think about.  I was pulling myself out of my dark place and filling it with something of my own. It seemed to be something that worked for me.

Now, about 10-11 years down the road I want to help others who may need a little something of their own, for whatever reason. Maybe it is not postpartum depression but maybe a life change or a feeling of needing a fresh start in something of value. My business has been a life saver for me. I am very thankful for it. I have never looked back. :)

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