Friday, April 13, 2012

Lessons Often Come in Threes

It is funny how lessons come in threes. Today’s post follows suit with the last two on my blog. I am really trying to be open to the lessons that cross my path. Todays, is just too wonderful not to share.
This morning I was lying in bed, seriously contimplating just stay in bed for as long as I possible can. It’s Friday. I am feeling lazy. I am so cozy. I am snuggled just perfectly in my covers.....AND IT IS RAINING!!! I love the rain. I love to be in bed when it is raining. Awwwww, perfection.
I had my iphone near me, as I do each and every day. Checking what is going on in the world around me. It often replaces my books, I am finding, as I read blogs and view videos regularly from my phone. Weird. 
Anyway......this morning Marie Forleo (my business mentor) had posted a link, on facebook, to a video and said it would be worth my time to watch and so since I was so comfortably lying in bed getting ready to just do a lot of coziness things....I decided to watch.  10 minutes later and with about 3 tissues full of tears next to my pillow I jump out of bed ready to embrace this day.
The lessons in this video are many. Watch. Enjoy. And once again, go do that thing you have been wanting to do and know that if you are doing it because you love it.....everything will turn out just as it is supposed to.

My heart is very full today. I am thankful for lessons, people, books, messages, life and loved ones, that teach me each day how to be a bit better than the day before.
Enjoy this gift of a day!
Much love,

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Are you an entrepreneur? What are you waiting for?

How do you know you are ready to be an entrepreneur? Do you have a little fire burning and you keep pushing it away? When is the perfect time? When will you have all the money to get started? When will you have the knowledge it takes? When will you have the skill and ability? What if you fail? What if you succeed? When will you have all the answers?
NEVER! you can begin. :)
It is so funny......I am seriously the queen of questions. No, really I am!!! I have to answer these questions myself as I being a few new entrepreneur endeavors I am working on. I am starting a new business and all the scary feelings I had when I started Tiny Touches are looming over my head now. Only good has come from Tiny Touches and so why do I question my ability to start something else? I don’t know!!! LOL Fear I guess, it always seems to get in the way....
I look at starting a few business much like starting ANYTHING big. How about collage, getting married, having babies, etc? Are you really ever ready for ANY of that? Do you ever really feel like you have ALL the information you need? Don’t you start each one of those chapters in your life and think....what the hell did I just get myself into.....I am in way over my head? 
I just watched this video I found on youtube and I want to share it with you. I LOVE THIS!!! Maybe a little too much. It think I have watched it about 22 times now and I just discovered it yesterday. BUT in my defense, you kind of have to watch it several times to let each brilliant piece sink in. Watch it and love it! And then do that thing you have been wanting to do.

Big ol’ hugs to you today! 
~ Amy

Monday, April 9, 2012

Just BE You!

The past several years in my life have brought huge changes for me. Some happy and some sad. BUT what I love the best about this journey of mine is that with each passing day I am learning so much about myself. I am learning to just BE and to not try to BE anything other than who I am.

So, on this beautiful Spring day, although it feels like summer here in Cali (where I am spending my Spring Break), I share with you a self scribed message in the sand. Remember to be true to who you are and never try to be something for anyone else. Our time in this life is precious ~ so spend it wisely and spend it creating all the fun in your life that you want.

I am thankful our lives have crossed and I hope they keep crisscrossing!

Much love,


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The world is a beautiful place....are you contributing?

What are you doing today to make the world a better place? Are you snuggling your baby a bit longer than normal? Are you sitting down with your 3 year old to play cars (and leaving your phone across the room) ;) ? Have you smiled at a stranger? Picking up a piece of trash up off the ground "just because"? Forgiving yourself for that something that looms over your head? Forgiving someone in your life that you need to forgive? Singing a song loud and proud as you drive down the street, just to be enjoying the moment and releasing positive energy into the universe?

I find that when I think about the question "how am I making this world a better place?" ..... I often think I have to do something move mountains. :) You know what I mean, right? I think I am starting to realize at the ripe old age of 42 that to make the world a better place starts with the little things.  Now, some of what I mentioned above is not necessarily forgiving yourself or another person....those can be huge things. If you are not ready for the big stuff....start small.

How about dropping little pieces of kindness behind you instead of bread crumbs, like Hansel and Gretel, the world will instantly be a better place if we all do this. Take the few extra seconds to open a door for someone or take a deep breath and not get mad at your loved one, make eye contact with the checker at the grocery store and really ask how he/she is doing. I think sometimes we get so busy with just trying to get through the day that we do not stop to enjoy the little interactions we can have with our fellow human beings.

I am trying to slow down and just be. I am trying to not think of my weeks and months as time to check off and just get to the weekend or to a big trip. If we are not enjoying our days, we need to change something. So, if sprinkling around kindness helps you enjoy your days, just start. Start small and work your way up to the big things.

To quote a distant Kentuckian cousin of mine....."themens" (those are) my thoughts.

Now.....go and enjoy this beautiful day and so something to make this world a more beautiful place. :)

Much love,
