Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Impressions at the end of the day.

Today was a day filled with making hand and foot impressions! I have the best customers ever. I love meeting with a new mom for the first time. It is so fun to see her look at her sweet little baby. To hold that baby with such care and to see her get teary eyed as she sees the cute little impressions we have just made. I love meeting with the mom who walks in with her 4 kids in tow and seems a bit frazzled. I love talking about motherhood in every stage with whoever comes through my door. We talk about the happy sweet times, the exhausting worn out times and the hustle and bustle of life. I have learned a lot over the years just by watching and listening to my customers. I love seeing snipets of life one customer at a time.

Today I am tired and ready to fall into bed. It always feel good at the end of a very productive day to have that sense of accomplishment. I am still behind and did not get everything done that was on my list...........but it was a very good day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A rainy couple of days....

I have been in CA finishing up my Hand and Footprint training multimedia program and having some fun at the same time. It has been raining here the past couple of days. And when I say rain, I mean RAIN. I love it!!!!! Rain is so calming and cleansing and refreshing for my soul.  So much going on in my life that I have needed to feel the peace that the rain brings. Many many changes in my life, personally and professionally, some days I struggle to keep up with it all. But I am learning a lot about myself and I am loving the girl who is emerging.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

An exciting day for my Ceramic Hand and Foot Impressions business.

It has been just about 24 hours since I launched my new Ceramic Hand and Footprint Training program. A training program for the person who would like to work from home and have fun at the same time. I started my career in this industry almost 11 years ago. It has been such a wonderful journey for me. I had found the perfect stay at home mom business and I have never regretted it. I was able to have something of my own and still be home with my children. They were very small at the time, 3 years and 15 months, when I started Tiny Touches.

When I started my company, Tiny Touches, I had no idea the path it would take me down.  I knew I needed something of my own. I had gone to school and majored in secondary education. I even taught in the high schools for about 4 years before my first baby was born. After my son was born I decided to quit my job and stay at home with him. That was in 1997. In 1999 my second son joined our family. A very scary thing started to happen to me. I became very depressed. I was experiencing postpartum depression. I didn't really realize what was happening to me until several years after the fact.  I just thought I wasn't a good mom. I wasn't enjoying life with my babies as most of my girlfriends around me seemed to be doing.  It was a VERY dark time for me. Without going into too much detail about that time of my life I will fast forward about a year (after my 2nd baby was born) to the point at which I stumbled across a similar business in CA. I knew instantly that I needed to be doing this business and I was going to do whatever it took to make that happen. Within a few months of that realization I had started my own business. While doing so I started to feel better. Life, even though it got a lot busier, seemed to feel a whole lot better. Looking back at those early years with my little babies I realized that I needed to not lose myself in a time that is very easy for mothers to do just that.  Reflecting on that time I can now see that my depression was lifting as I had something new to focus on and think about.  I was pulling myself out of my dark place and filling it with something of my own. It seemed to be something that worked for me.

Now, about 10-11 years down the road I want to help others who may need a little something of their own, for whatever reason. Maybe it is not postpartum depression but maybe a life change or a feeling of needing a fresh start in something of value. My business has been a life saver for me. I am very thankful for it. I have never looked back. :)