Monday, March 12, 2012

My Little Hand and Footprint Empire......

Oh boy! I have butterflies in my tummy today. It is the day of my big announcement with Tiny Touches. After a lot of thought and tender loving care I have decided to sell my little local Hand and Foot Impressions business. Many reasons have brought me to this point, but I will start with the letter that is going out to my customers......

Hello, dear ones . . .
I'm nestled in your inbox today with an exhilarating — and bittersweet — announcement.
I'll set the tone with a little Tom Petty:
It's time to move on, time to get going.
What lies ahead, I have no way of knowing.
But under my feet, baby, grass is growing.
It's time to move on, it's time to get going.
Tom says it so well. And now, I'll say it my way: I've decided to sell TinyTouches.  I am looking for the perfect person who'll pick up the business & carry it forward, with love. The details are still in flux, but I expect to have everything finalized by the end of summer 2012......or sooner if the perfect person arrises! Till then, I'm still in full swing — and I'd love to see you & your little ones at my home studio, as often as you like.
If that certain person is YOU - or someone you know - we should talk. Please call me, email me, or text me, any time. I really am looking for the perfect person ready to invest and carry on the love of this wonderful business.
This business transition reflects a big step in my entrepreneurial evolution. I'm rising into a new role as a teacher & trainer for aspiring home-preneurs. The training program of my business is going so well that I am going to focus on helping others build a successful business of their own.
Thank you for supporting Tiny Touches all these years — I promise to leave my little empire in tender & capable hands. And I hope to see you & your family in my studio, through the summer & fall . . . right through to the final farewell.
With love,

There it is.....I am teary and excited and nervous and ready. Crossroads are always a time for pause and reflection. I have given this decision much thought, tender consideration, and energy. It is time for me to move forward and I am looking onward and upward. 

To you, the perfect person, who is waiting for your answer to your prayer....I have just the right idea. Let's talk. There is much to do and I can't wait to get you started. :)

Much Love,



  1. Wow, so incredibly proud of you, as usual Amy. I'm awake most the time, working about 18 hrs a day, and forcing myself to sleep (not doing great on that end, and it has it's drawbacks, about every two weeks I sleep for a couple of days. It works, so yea! Miss you and look so forward to seeing you again here soon. All our love! xox
