Monday, September 5, 2011

Sentimental Journey

Do you ever have one of those days where you wonder where the time has gone? I guess as my children get older and another school year has begun I find myself having those thoughts. Today those thoughts are very heavy on my mind. My little boys are not so little anymore. My oldest son is taller than me now, something I never in a million years thought would ever happen. Before I was a mom, I thought of having babies. Little children. I never could really invision beyond having little kids. Then one day I wake up and they are not so little anymore. I remember people telling me that the time of life of having little ones will really fly by. I couldn't even imaging that when I was up to my eyeballs in diapers and sleepless nights. As my boys get older I feel the tug of their independence getting stronger and stronger. I see them making decisions for themselves, forming their own opinions and ideas about "things" and that makes me happy. Transitioning into a different type of parenting is hard. It is not like it used to be when they were wee little things and I could tuck them into bed at night and know all was well. I often wonder what goes through their heads as they now have social lives beyond all that I am aware of. They have friends and relationships with people who I don't get to pick for them. I guess that is all a part of growing up. Making decisions for yourself, good or bad, come what may. I am thankful for my beautiful boys this day. Feeling a mix of emotions and just needing to share. Here is a peak at my little ones from yesteryear and a peak at them today. They are truly beautiful boys and I love them so. Ryan and Nathan.


  1. I saw Ryan and Nathan at a soccer game last week and could not believe how grown up they both are. Our boys have been playing soccer together for years and it AMAZES me how quickly they become young men....

  2. Crazy huh?!? They have grown, your boys too. I am sure I will see them soon at soccer! I love soccer season. :) Thanks for commenting. It is strange to put words in to space and not know who reads them but I am finding it very cathartic, something I was not expecting. :)
