Friday, October 21, 2011


It is the end of a very very long day. I am in NYC. I made it all in one piece. The story of my journey today is long and frustrating and that is not what I want to focus on. GETTING HERE IS WHAT MATTERED and I am so glad I followed my gut feeling about being participating in RHHLive. I have only experience a few hours this evening of my conference and if that is all that I was able to be a part of it was well worth the journey. I am having a hard time thinking of how to explain all of the feelings, emotions and knowledge I have gain through 2 1/2 hours of my evening.

I think I will just do this....

Tonight I felt thankfulness, nervousness, excitement, love, happiness, thrill, inspiration, exhilaration, compassion, encouragement, love, unity, peace and contentment. I danced like I was 16 again and found that I need to keep dancing. Not just in the way we often tell people to dance with life but really really dance. I found a part of myself that has been lost. I felt the Amy who needs to come out. I found myself. I found what I have been looking for. These words may sound silly but they are true. I wish I could bottle the feelings of this night and take them with me to share with you and to remind myself when I need reminding.

I am blessed and so are you.


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