Friday, July 29, 2011

Mid Summer Sale!!!

Summer here in Utah is in full bloom but will be winding down soon. School starts in a little over 3 weeks! Why not get some impressions made to remember Summer 2011. I am offering a first time ever buy one get one 1/2 off sale. Two day sale only. July 29th and 30th. Give me a call and let roll out lots of clay!!! 801-489-8248 If you are thinking about making some impressions as gifts for Christmas this year, this is the time to do it. Give me a call and let roll out lots of clay!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I always wonder why people think they can only get impressions done when it's a brand new baby. We take pics all the time. Why not do an impression when your kid hits certain life points. Or how about family reunions. I remember having to get my great grandma, my grandfather, my dad and my girls together for a 5 generation photo. I would have loved to have had an impression of all our hands next to each other too. anyway thats my 2 cents.
