Thursday, July 28, 2011

You are great!!!

 There is no need of any competition with anybody. You are yourself, and as you are, you are perfectly good. Accept yourself.  Osho

I came across this quote the other day and just loved it. I think of all the little babies that come in and out of my studio and how beautiful and precious they are, just as they are at that moment. They are perfectly good. I wonder what point in life we start worrying and comparing ourselves with others? It is sad that that happens. Many times something that happened in our childhood or teenage years can stay with us and form our opinion of ourselves into adulthood. I used to be so worried that I would not be able to carry on a conversation with someone. I was SO painfully shy. How was I going to think of enough words to say in a conversation. I would listen to my mom go on and on and on, lol, (love you mom) while talking with someone on the phone and I would think I would never be able to do that.  I think it is strange that even as a young child I was comparing myself to my mom and other adults. I used to be scared to death to call and order pizza over the phone. Oh the terror!!!!! I used to make my sister go up and get the ketchup for me at a restaurant. I was so scared. I look back on those situations in my life and think how silly that was of me. But that was and still can be a part of me. Scared and shy. I think that is still a part of me at times, but thankfully I am not paralyzed by my shyness anymore. Now, don’t get me wrong, sometimes I wish my sister was around to go get me the ketchup, that would make life easier. :)  But, I did have to work through the fear of those experiences. You will be glad to know that, thankfully, I can go get my own ketchup, even though I prefer mustard now) ;)
How often do we compare ourselves with others? Do we even know we are doing it? I like that as I have grown into the 41 year old I am today, I feel pretty good about myself. That does not mean I don’t have days when I think….what the hell is wrong with me…..but it is good to like the skin I am in, warts and all.
It is good to get a reminder, from the quote above, that reminds me “I am good enough, smart enough and doggone it people like me”. (That is for all you Stuart Smalley fans.) We do have all that we need inside of us. It is up to us to make ourselves the best we can be by just doing and being. So carry on being the best version of yourself. If today was a terrible day know that tomorrow it is a fresh new day full of potential. 

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