Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Me, Jane and Marilyn

Grauman's Chinese Theater and the hand and footprints that line the entryway are a world famous tourist destination. How could I, a hand and footprint specialist,  ;)  not take a few photos with a few of my favorite people?!? I am lucky enough to be near Hollywood each month and have taken a few trips to visit the wonderful crazy amusement of all things at Graumans. It is amazing to think of all the millions of people who have placed their hands in the hands of some of our favorite movie stars. I have to admit it was really fun to do as all the tourists are doing and place my hands in a few of the hands of those that have gone on before me.  Each month while in CA I spend time in a house that Jane Russell lived in back in the 1960's soooo I had to take a photo with my hands in hers. So here I with Jane and Marilyn......only 58 years separate these two pictures. The photo of Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe was taken in 1953 while they were promoting their movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. The photo of me was taken in 2011 promoting.....hand and foot impressions. :)

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