Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why a picture of a hamburger you ask? Welll, besides the fact that I love a good hamburger.....regular, no cheese, extra onions please. Five guys is my favorite, yes, even better than In-n-Out (please don't shoot me), although this next story did not come from me passing a Five Guys. I would have totally stopped. LOL

Driving down a street in LA the other day I passed by a burger joint, the banner they had hanging along side their building said, “just about everyday we hear this is the best burger I have ever tasted”. It made me think of my little hand and footprint business. Everyday that I am working with my customers I hear, “ I wish I would have done this when my baby was younger”. I hear this  ALL the time. Even if the baby we are making impressions of is only 4 months old. I always smile and say well, your baby is only going to get bigger and in the grand scheme of things your baby is still really little. But, I do know what they are talking about. There is something about a tiny newborns impressions that are just different from an older infant. Those little tiny newborn prints are just so precious. But so is the impression of a chubby one year old or a long fingered two year old or even a 15 year old who was made to have some impressions by mom. :) No matter when you have your children’s impressions made he or she will only get bigger with time. It is never too late. 

If you have not tasted the heavenliness that is Five Guys, you are missing out. Come on all you In-N-Out lovers, I dare you!


  1. Have you ever tried Smashburger, Amy? It is my favorite one of all! :)

  2. No, but I will! I have only seen one in St. George. Is there one near us?

  3. There is one in Orem across the street from the Mall. Let me think what it is close to...Panda Express, Einstein's Bagels, etc. :)
